Resilience In Resolution: How The Indonesian Economy Withstood The Financial Crisis

April 23, 2018 - 4:00pm

NYU Global Center of Academic and Spiritual Life (GCASL), Room 375.

Please join NYU ISA and Permias NYC in welcoming Dr. Halim Alamsyah, Chairman of the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (ICDC), former Deputy Governor of The Central Bank of Indonesia and former Commissioner of Indonesia’s Financial Services Authority (FSA). 

He will be speaking about how the Indonesian economic infrastructures maintained resilience amidst the Asian financial crisis, as well as how it has continued to improve since. In addition to that, Dr. Alamsyah will provide an outlook of the current developments, challenges, and opportunities within the Indonesian economy.

This discussion will be moderated by Professor Ismail Fajrie Alatas of New York University. Please join this event by registering below (non-NYU guests may enter the Kimmel Center or the Global Center by registering at the registration desk):


Registration link

Hosted by: 

  • Permias NYC
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