International Conference on Business and Human Rights: Holding Governments Accountable in Asia

The International Conference on Business & Human Rights: Holding Governments Accountable in Asia will focus on the role of governments in protecting human rights from the impacts of business operations in Asia, under Pillar 1 of the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights. Participants will include academics, researchers, practitioners and members of civil society, from Southeast Asia and around the world. Full details on themes and objectives can be found at the event website and Facebook event page, and I have attached the conference poster to this email as a PDF. After the conference, selected good-quality papers will feature in a book to be published by a reputable international publisher.

We are accepting abstracts up until the final deadline of 28 May 2018. In addition, we are accepting expressions of interest for partnership with the conference. More information on this is available at the partnership site.

All abstracts and queries can be sent to